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We add new blades into old tableware

You have a old tableware in a closet but do not use it because the blade is rusty? This not used tableware is with silver handle and a better quality as the other tableware which you have, but as it is rusty you do not use it? We are able to give (cast in) new stainless steel blades into your old tableware! We cast in the blades dishwasherproof.

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Stainless steel is available since approx. 1930. Bevor this time are all knives made of rustable steel. But also stainless steel will become little holes from the dishwasher after more years. We are a firm which have the diplom of registered master of cutlery and are able to cast in dishwasherproof new stainless steel blades into your old tableware. Also on stock are near all style typs of blades. All what we need are the old knives and we will cast in new blades into the old silver handles.

We remove the old blade and the residue of the cement from the handle inside.
old rusty blade

Then we cast in the new stainless steel blades into the handle. We will make this dishwasherproof that the blade do not come out if you give the knife into the dishwasher. We try to use near the same blade style as your old blade style. At this reason we have over 50 blades on stock and have from more different blade kinds some on stock.

new renovate knife
Then we make the handle shining by polishing the handle. As last we make the knife blade sharp and if you wish we give also a little serration into the blade.

Favouable price:
Our prices are very favouable. The new blade have a price up from 22,00 EUR (including VAT). Some blade styles are a little bit expensiver. The price include the blade sharpening and serration (if you wish) also. Good sharpening and serration is our customer service and have the worth of EUR 6.--. To remove the old blade and to remove the residue of cement from the handle inside and to cast in the new blades into the handle including handle polish will cost EUR 23.00 EUR including VAT. All prices are for one piece!

Important: Please note that we can not guarantee that the handle is made, that he will not break by removing the old blade including residue of cement from the handle inside. One time was a little explosion (explosive residue in the handle) and the handle was broken. In this case we are not able to pay you a replacement. (only one case within the past 10 years) If the handle is not good silver plated it is possible that the silver can crumble from the handle. In this case we didn't pay you a replacement or the handle repair. If the handle material is very thin (Alpaka) it can be that the handle will break.

As we have the diplom of registered master of cutlery firm, we work very careful and with high quality materials.

We are able to cast in new forkblades into your fork, too.
old rusty fork
new forkblade

For any questions please write us an e-Mail!

Your Martin Morocutti
registered master of cutlery
registered master of mechanical enginieering

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